Tuesday, January 24, 2012


ASSIGN YOURSELF:   GO TO GAME TONIGHT!! extra points on quiz if I see you & you text me @373-5779, when you are there & I spot you!
Quiz 2- Design Cycle & Assessment Criterions
DO NOW: Win a Million- ganas for first 5 winners

Today I will update my blog with a reflection, I will also review for Quiz 2 & Begin Introduction with research information.
1.  DO NOW: Win a Million (5 min)

2. Quiz- in QUIA-take out your log in!! One Twizzler for the first 3, 100, 2-90+
3.  Open Google Document
4.  Create your introduction (20 min)
THESE ARE ONLY Guiding questions-
Respond to the questions as statements EX:

The problem I need to solve is I need to create and educational tool to help teach new IDEA students the IB learner profile, "Inquirer".  Then continue to respond on how you think you will solve the problem

1. What is the problem you need to solve?
2. How does the IB learner profile apply to the real world?
3. How will this project serve my community?
4. How can my learning help my community?
5. How does this help others?
6. What are the requirements for this assignment?
7. What is the IB learner profile?

5.  REFLECTION: Post to your blog your learning reflection: What I learned today? What did I accomplish today? (10 min) 
Today I was able to start on the Introduction part of my project. After finishing with my quiz, I answered the questions in the class blog in paragraph form as instructed by the teacher. While answering the questions, I learned that it is very important to ask questions so that you're always aware of what is occuring around you. Hopefully I'll be able to complete the rest of the introduction in the next class and make a big dent in the Investigate section.